Friday, August 19, 2011

NEW Bed Bug 2011 Survey by NPMA & Univ KY Executive Summary Released = Bugs Without Borders

As you may recall, last year NPMA partnered with the University of Kentucky to survey PMP's both in the US and abroad about the incidence of bed bugs. Well, they repeated this survey this year. The Executive Summary was just released (see link below).

Below is a summary of some of the survey results:

"This report highlights the key findings obtained from more than 400 pest management professionals who participated in this survey. The Resurgence Continues. "

" the past year bed bug encounters have become more commonly reported in many other places. For example, PMPs report seeing large increases in the number of bed bug encounters in college dorms, hotels, nursing homes, office buildings, schools and daycare centers, hospitals, public transportation and movie theaters compared to last year. More specifically, many places experienced double-digit growth...."

"More specifically, many places experienced double-digit growth in where professionals reported treating bed bugs year-over-year:
 College dorms (54 percent, up from 35 percent a year ago);
 Hotels/motels (80 percent, up from 67 percent a year ago);
 Nursing homes (46 percent, up from 25 percent);
 Office buildings (38 percent, up from 18 percent);
 Schools and day care centers (36 percent, up from 10 percent);
 Hospitals (31 percent, up from 12 percent);
 Transportation (train/bus/taxi) (18 percent up from nine percent);
 Movie theaters (17 percent, up from five percent)."

" of their bed bug customers (25 percent) attempted to treat these pests prior to calling a pest control professional. ...Consumers who do try to eradicate bed bugs often use methods that are both ineffective and dangerous. The respondents offered a myriad of examples, many including the excessive and improper use of insecticides; the use of unregistered insecticides; the misuse of aerosols, foggers, propane heaters, and open flames; and the application of inappropriate, often flammable chemicals, such as kerosene, alcohol, diesel fuel, bleach, and boric acid."

"When it comes to treating bed bugs, consumers would benefit from more education and help from a professional."

"....bed bugs continue to be the most difficult pest to treat, according to 73 percent of survey respondents."

Thanks to Bob Rosenberg for sharing this with us.

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